
PiggyBabes の 本日のヒトコト

英国の小さな町発、日々のたわごと。。。 画像はクリックで拡大しますよ♪ (Click on photos to enlarge!)

2025.03│ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31




Arrived Safe

Just to let you know that we're here safe and sound, TJ. I don't know which e-mail or messenger services you're using now, so I've been trying evey possible way.
We bought the webcam today, so if you see us active online, call.

Will be running lots of arrands, ward office, passport office, hair salon, etc.

Piglet did not sleep as much as last year, so I'm quite tired now. Night, night.

Will write you more later!
Love you and miss you!
I have stripped Piglets radiator and just about to start painting it. Bathroom wall has been removed...picked up new material and will hopefully have new wall in tonight possibly tomorrow. Computer has gone again. I am ging to call sony tomorrow re-compensation. Hope you are having a good time, how's the new haircut PB?? I shall write again tomorrow. Give Piglet a hug from me. Love you.
Just to keep you updated, The new wall is up and I have have started fitting the internal doors. I shall be starting on the stairs this evening. Will pop to Ikea on Monday to get the tiles for the bathroom. Seen one stable door from Wicks but will see what Homebase have to over before getting one. Waiting to speak to Sony as it will be more effective when they know there is a fault. All my love X.
Have spent the day clearing in the garden. Decided that burning is not the way to go...I had no idea fir trees were so flamable. Have got another idea which wont cost anything so will try that. Nearly done tiling the bathroom. I have stripped the window down and that is even looking quite nice now. As soon as I have finished the bathroom I will finish off in Piglet's room. I hope you all had a good trip back from the islands. How is Piglet doing with the food? I bet she loves it. Has Mum been able to help you out with Piglet and give you a break too? Love you, XX P.s. Have called sony, they have only just received the computer!
Great to see and talk to you both yesterday. Hope you have had some luck with the post office.I am going to have to remove the bathroom wall again and put up a stronger as it can't hold the tiles. Cleared a lot from the garden yesterday another couple of days work and I can start landscaping it hopefully. I saw the pictures of Piglet you sent...so cute. How was your journey last night? Let me know about the post office. Love you XX
Hope all is well. I have finished the bathroom and painted the rqdiators upstairs. The Bathroom looks great - I think you will like it. I still need to put in the sink and cupboards but I will do that later. The computer is back and not working properly. I have already called them about it and arranged to speak with them again on Monday! Will be working on the stairs again today - hopefully make good progress with them today and start preparing the front door for putting that in. Will tqalk soon - have you received the emails I have forwarded? I love you, please be careful.
Email from vista and they have shipped our order...should be with us in 3 weeks. Been busy in the garden today. Have moved the last of the rubble and the garden shed too! All the old fence panels have gone and tomorrow I will take the old shed down and start digging holes! Have also repaired and sanded the staircase and will paint that tomorrow aswell. Thinking of you, Love X
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■いま なんさい ???

*script by KT*
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