
PiggyBabes の 本日のヒトコト

英国の小さな町発、日々のたわごと。。。 画像はクリックで拡大しますよ♪ (Click on photos to enlarge!)

2025.03│ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31




Fxxkin' Brat!

I've already written this article in Japanese, but I'm so angry that I want to share this with you, TJ.

After we took mum to work, we went shopping to fill this box I'm sending via ship ahead of time to save some weight for my suitcases.

We went to one of the larger drug store to buy my lotions and mum's cough syrup (she has a really bad caugh at a moment).

I thought it was quite rare that they had this padded play-area for kids filled with mats, balls and stuffed animals, so I told Piglet to go in and play, maybe "dive" in there.

When I said that, I heard this fxxkin' brat saying "No, that's my space. You can't go in!" I told him "Well, that's not fair. Why can't you play together. It's not your place to begin with, anyway."

However, this brat repeated "No, you can't play here." and PUSHED me.

Just imagine that was Piglet, not me...

I was soooooooooooooooo pissed off, but I knew I was not allowed to smack this brat up-side-down or yell at him, so I said to Piglet "Well, let's go. YOU don't need to play with this STUPID BULLY at all. Oh, how I hate Bully."

The other kid who was with the brat said "I'm kind." so I said to him "Then, why don't you share the place and play with her?" but he hasn't a ball enogh to go against his pal and went on playing with him.

Afterwards, this brat was pointing at me when he was with his mother and said "That's the woman!"

How "uneducated" and "ill-disciplined" they are. And how indifferent his mother was.

This sort of things, make me sick. And however much I love my own country, it makes me think that I can't live here anymore and raise children here.

Well, this was here in Nagano, so just imagine how it would be in the city. I don't want to.

I hope Piglet won't grow up to be like this.
I hope she'll be a kind person who would share things with others and think of others' feelings.

Anyway, sorry for bitching.
We'll go skiing tomorrow with mum!

Lots of Love!!
Piggy Babes, I am sorry to hear about the incident you had at the drug store. I am afriad that children at that age only get that sort of behaviour from there parents. Their parents don't discipline them and the kids see how they react and copy them. You were very controlled and did the right thing by telling that kid what a bully he is.

I have no worries that piglet wont grow up to be like that. Remember when we were at the surgery and she was playing with the toys. She went up to the other children and gave them her toys and we do not behave in the way that kids mother did.

Well I hope you have a good days skiing tomorrow and that kid isn't there!

I have taken the old shed down today and started digging up the garden. I am just about to paint myself downstairs tonight as I am painting the stairs so will sleep on the sofa.

Will write more tomorrow morning and let you know how the stairs look. By the way I have ordered the stable door so that will hopefully arrive in a week or s.

Remeber that kid is probably just spoiled and he will have a harsh wake up call when he finds out that the world doesn't revelove aroind him...

You're wonderlful, I love you.
Piggy-san, I… 英語がわからないので日本語で

私、最後のThat's the womanを読むまで、TJが



Team play一切なし、親は一体どういう教育しとるん


いやね、これ、もう 怒った勢いで書いてるから(爆)。 英語がどうのとかよりも、もう TJに「こんなアホガキがおって、むかついて。。。」と伝えたかった一心でね。

っつか、日本語の方にも書いたんですけど、最近のガキは悪い事しても「他人には絶対にしかられない」とか思ってる節があるし、中学生とか大きくなると下手に注意すると 逆ギレされて 袋叩きになりかねないから なんか、日本も そういう所までアメリカとか中米とか、そんな感じになってきてる気がします。

自分は叱られてきたのに、子供は甘やかして 躾をしないで。 「ピグちゃんが そう言う行動取ったら、その場で延々説教されて(=ワタシに) 他所の子 押し倒したりしたら 手とかバシバシ叩かれる(=ワタシに)よなぁ」と思いましたよ。

最近 ピグちゃんは「触っちゃダメ」では手を離さなくなっちゃったんですが、カウントダウンの「さんっっ。。。」と言った時点であわてて 持っている物を元の場所に置きます。 「3、2、1」まで行っちゃうと、手を バチーーーン と叩かれますから(=ワタシに)。

なんか、傍から見ると 「虐待母」 みたいだね、ワタシ(汗)。
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